Minds and Mistresses

January 25, 2016

Review of Developing Minds by Jonathan LaPoma

by Chantelle Atkins       Reviewer Rating: 4 Stars      

A gritty, humorous and believable tale of the dysfunctional lives of graduate teachers, with fantastic characters and perfect dialogue.

The Writer’s Mistress

by Steve Wetherell            

Like many of you, I was disappointed by fantasy-writer/man-bear G.R.R Martin’s announcement that he wouldn’t meet his deadline for completing the next Game of Thrones book. Disappointed, but also unsurprised. The GoT universe is now so vast that I’m genuinely surprised Martin can fit it all in his head without incest and murder dribbling out of his nose. How does he even function in the real world with all that going on? Even those of us who aren’t writing enough books to build a house with can have trouble balancing our fictional worlds with our real ones.

Author Spotlight: Julie Starling

Here at the Underground, our goal is to promote as many quality indie authors as we can. Toward this end, we’re continuing Author Spotlights. If you are an author and like what you see, go to our submission page for a chance to be featured on Underground Book Reviews! Please welcome Julia Starling!


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The Cerulean Star: LIBERTY by Sharon Cramer
The Coin by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra

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