Review of Johnny and Jamaal by K. M. Breakey

See full issue for 2016 11-28

The Rundown

Twenty-two-year old Johnny Robertson is an arrogant professional hockey player. His often-subtle comments suggest that he has racist leanings. A true blue playboy, Johnny wishes he could hook up with a black gal. His thoughts are confirmed when his white buddy Luke begins dating Chantal, who is very much involved in the Black Lives Matter movement. Luke, who is totally enamored with Chantal, does everything he can to learn about black history—something that he’s not very familiar. While Luke ruminates on his newfound data and is trying to comprehend the complexities of Black Lives Matter, Johnny meets the black girl of his dreams.


Jamaal Cooper, who is two months shy of his nineteenth birthday, may be a product of the Ghetto, but there is no doubt that he is a gifted young athlete in basketball. Like Johnny, Jamaal is arrogant and has racist leanings. Jamaal meets Johnny, but not in the best of circumstances as the two get caught up in a racially driven whirlwind that eventually leads to Johnny’s demise. Jamaal is viewed as a hero until a video portrays a totally different perspective. As Luke and Chantal struggle to understand the complicated black and white issue, Wilber Holmes, Jr. arises with a fresh approach to racial tension. Although Luke and Chantal are completely enthralled with this charismatic speaker, they have no idea the impact his presence and message will have on their lives.


Breakey presents a provocative and timely tale in his latest story read. Set between Vancouver and St. Louis, Breakey’s plot initially highlights on Johnny and Jamaal in preparation for the main portion of the story that centers on Luke and Chantal. Breakey’s clever use of character design and interaction provides verisimilitude to the difficulties woven into black and white relationships. In addition to this realistic picture, Breakey aptly incorporates plenty of black and world history, both past and present, to emphasize the depth of racism in the United States. Great examples include Ferguson, the racial harassment at the University of Missouri, and the horrific ISIS attacks in Paris. Alternating character scenes shine lights into the importance that supporting cast play into the narrative’s storyline. Well written from beginning to end, Johnny and Jamaal is not intended for the faint of heart. Breakey’s story is nothing less than eye opening, especially for those who desire to understand race relations in the U.S.

The Recommendation

A disturbing yet highly recommended must-read, especially during current troubling times.

The Rating Selected as a Top Pick!

Top Pick! 5 Stars (out of five): Freaking amazing. Any agent or publishing house that passed this one up made a big mistake. It was selected by our reviewer as a personal favorite. This is also a nomination for our Novel of the Year award.

The Pros & Cons

Pros: Believable, Characterization, Dialogue, Emotional, Plot

The Links

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The Reviewer

Anita Lock

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