Underground Book Reviews Goes Under

See full issue for 2018 10-08

The time has come to close our doors at Underground Book Reviews. Eight years ago, we were four aspiring writers who enjoyed reading and writing reviews; Katie French, Kimberly Shursen, Brian Braden and myself, Amy Biddle. Since then, the Underground grew into a team of talented authors, writers and graphic artists who shared a passion for independent literature. Throughout it all, we produced a review every Monday and maintained our mission to support independent authors. It was a difficult journey at times, but the late nights and headaches were well worth the honor of finding and occasionally meeting the talented authors who joined us.

After we close, we will be removing all content that we do not have express permission to keep. If you are an author who has received an award or review, you should have received an email with more information about how to keep your review publicly available online after we close. If not, please use our contact form to inquire about our copyright agreement. We will be removing all content other than select articles, awards and reviews when we close our doors.

Our last issue will be November 12th, 2018, and we intend to leave as strong as we started. Coming up, we have an exciting lineup of at least two reviews per week, including Top Picks you won’t want to miss, plus a recap of the best books we’ve found and a little something about where to find our writers once we’re gone. So don’t give up on us just yet. The end may be near, but it's not all over yet!


Amy R. Biddle

Visit Amy R. Biddle‘s website.

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Quality reviews of independent literature from 2011 - 2018