Author Spotlight: Veronica Purcell

See full issue for 2016 05-02

If you had a writing motto what would it be?
Never let go of a good story. Stick with it even when everyone is against you. If you believe in your story, believe in yourself to see it written out to the end.

Where do you draw your inspiration?
Escapism predominately. Life is bitter but writing fiction makes it sweet.
Recently, I've been reading boys love and slice-of-life manga. I felt inspired after reading some works.

What is one interesting fact about you?
Before my twenties I had bungee-jumped off death defying cliffs in Queenstown, navigated a rickety raft down rapids in the Milford Sounds and dated a boy who turned out gay after his relationship with me. Okay, so we both suspected he was gay while we were dating. Still... A really boring life.

Have you learned anything from the self publishing process and would you do anything differently next time?
If I had the money, I'd pay for a proof reader to pick up the minute errors my eyes missed. The digital book market is highly dynamic and competitive. Especially, when a book can be whacked out online in a matter of minutes. Getting it right first time really counts in this industry. Then again, I think on the Elderscroll game releases and how imperfect they were at launch. They had enough to hook the potential gamer and motivate the community to drive improvements. I consider that a smart play. So I guess if a book is released ninety-nine percent right, I might get lucky.

What has been your most successful marketing strategy?
Twitter ad campaigns and giveaways via book clubs like Goodreads.

What is the best kept secret you have found in regard to indie publishing?
I'm still trying to discover some. If you have any to share, don't be stranger now :)

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