Review of The Gathering Darkness by Lisa Collicutt

See full issue for 2016 10-31

The Rundown

The last place where sixteen-year-old Brooke Day wants to be is in Deadwich with her aunt, uncle, and cousin Samantha (Sammy). But getting picked up for drinking is the last straw for her parents who believe she’ll be better off away from the city life of Boston for the next school year. Every time she visits this dreaded little village, Brooke is riddled with repeated nightmares. To top things off, it doesn’t help that Brooke has an after school job working at the creepy Ravenwyck Inn working for the even creepier owner, Maggie. Paranormal occurrences take place, especially when Brooke is left alone. Yet Marcus Knight, who also works at the inn and is quietly attracted to Brooke, always manages to come to her aid.


On the flip side is Evan, Marcus’s effervescent twin brother, who constantly flirts with Brooke in an attempt to prove their couple status. Brooke, who is not at the least interested in Evan, finds herself instead mysteriously enamored with Marcus. Their feelings towards each another begin to crystallize when they discover human bones and a Celtic pendant during a weekend party on a nearby island. Indeed, the spine- chilling incident helps them realize that their commonalities run much deeper than mere affection. Unfortunately, as romance builds between the two teens, so do paranormal forces that are constantly at work to keep them apart. If Brooke and Marcus ever hope to overcome their sinister opponents, they will have to learn the truth about themselves first.


Collicutt presents a Romeo-and-Juliet tale with a paranormal twist in her latest young adult read. Narrated by Brooke, Collicutt’s principal female character appears to fit the stereotypical hormonal high schooler until her recurrent nightmares seem to tie in with Marcus’ dreams. Marcus’ character, on the other hand, is reminiscent of the quiet and mystifying Edward from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. The flurry of negativity that surrounds this perfect couple doesn’t make sense until readers learn that there are curious sides to these characters. And it’s not just Brooke and Marcus. Collicutt’s cast is replete with quirks. A dark yet enchanting read replete with twists, turns, and romantic tension.

The Recommendation

A great read for paranormal enthusiasts who enjoy a little bit of everything, especially romance.

The Rating Reviewer Rating: 4.5 Stars

4.5 Stars (out of 5): Highly recommended. This book is a great read. It can hold its own against any traditionally published novel in its genre, and surpasses many.

The Pros & Cons

Pros: Characterization, Page Turner

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Anita Lock

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