Review of The Wolfe Experiment by R W Adams

See full issue for 2017 09-11

The Rundown

Imagine this: when you were a child, you had the entire world bending to your will. Literally bending. And with just a thought, you could control anything you want. The very concept sounds incredible and seems to be every child’s wish. But not for the Wolfe children. For them, this is not a gift but rather a curse.

Their entire life they’ve been told that they were special. No other kids were like them and they must keep their specialness a secret. So they kept it. Even when it hurt the people they loved—probably did more than hurt, at times. Even when the military were hunting them and people shunned them. They kept their secret and kept fighting to survive.

Ethan, the older sibling, has a powerful telekinetic gift that he could control for most part. Tilly, however, is an emotionally fragile young girl and is unable to prevent the devastating physical and mental damage her powers can affect on other people.

From the very start, you will witness the hardships the Wolfe children have gone through as well as how they struggled every day to survive. It makes you want to root for them. Each character had his or her own personal and/or professional reasons as to why they did what they did. In that sense, it makes them believable. Ethan’s character development all throughout the book certainly was the most interesting while Tilly’s seemed dry. However, that shouldn’t matter much if the book will become a first instalment of a series, as how the ending seemed.

Plot-wise, it’s very straightforward but it nevertheless keeps you on your toes because the writing—the narrative and the dialogue, specially—simply reels you in. Regarding the suspension of disbelief, particularly with the science part of the novel, there certainly were some instances when the way the technical aspect was explained can make you feel skeptical. But these were few and aren’t plenty enough to disrupt the reading.

What’s absolutely outstanding with this novel is the fact that the author did not use a strict chronology in telling the story. Rather, he focused on the various events in the Wolfe children’s and other people’s past.

The Recommendation

The Wolfe Experiment is an emotional rollercoaster packed meticulously in a science fiction thriller package. The balance between emotionally charged scenarios and action scenes made this novel an overall page-turner. If science fiction and thriller novel is something up your alley and you like an exhilarating book you don’t want to put down, give this one a try.

The Rating Reviewer Rating: 4.5 Stars

4.5 Stars (out of 5): Highly recommended. This book is a great read. It can hold its own against any traditionally published novel in its genre, and surpasses many.

The Pros & Cons

Pros: Characterization, Emotional, Page Turner
Cons: Suspension of Disbelief

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The Reviewer

Kate Ashley

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